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We see and love all cats at Animal Health Center.
Vaccinations and Wellness
All pets should have vaccines and Wellness exams in order to maintain thier health and prevent serious disease.
Wellness Exam
During a wellness exam the doctor examines your cats eyes, ears, mouth, heart, lungs, and skin. This is your time to discuss any questions or concerns about your cat with the doctor. The doctor will help educate you on topics such as preventative care, life stages, nutrition, behavior and more! Recommend bi-yearly
Rabies Vaccine
Prevents Rabies. Required yearly in Georgia
Feline Respiratory Vaccine
Prevents Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia. Recommended yearly depending on age
Feline Leukemia Vaccine
Prevents Feline Leukemia. Recommended yearly depending on age
Intestinal Parasite Test
A fecal test that determines if your cat has any intestinal parasites. Recommended bi-yearly
Feline FIV/Leukemia Test
A blood test that determines if your cat is infected with Feline FIV/Feline Leukemia. Recommendation depends
Kitten Wellness
Kittens should be properly vaccinated to ensure a healthy future.
6 Weeks
Wellness Exam
Feline Respiratory Vaccine
Intestinal Parasite Check
9 Weeks
Wellness Exam
Feline Respiratory Vaccine
Intestinal Parasite Check
Feline Leukemia/FIV Test
12 Weeks
Wellness Exam
Feline Respiratory Vaccine
Deworm (if needed)
Feline Leukemia Vaccine
15 Weeks
Wellness Exam
Feline Respiratory Vaccine
Feline Leukemia Vaccine
Rabies Vaccine
Heartworm/Flea Preventative
Senior Wellness
Labwork is essential for identifying diseases at the earilest stage possible for your senior pet. We can discuss which labwork would be best suited for your cat based on his or her special needs.

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